Thursday 20 January 2011

Step by step guide to installing the Surface SDK on 64 bit windows

With the recent announcements and demos for the new Microsoft Surface I've noticed a few people talking about the version 1 sdk, and the fact they can't install it on their x64 Windows 7 boxes, so I thought I'd give a quick bulletpoint guide to how to acheive this.
To get up and running you will need the following:

XNA 2 Redist

Windows SDK

Surface SDK 1.0 SP1

1) Once you have the above, install the XNA 2 Framework and the Windows SDK

2) Go into the windows sdk bin directory (probably C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin or similar) and run Orca.msi

3) Run Orca and open the file SurfaceSDKWE.msi
- Locate LaunchConditions in the tables list on the left
- Delete the rows 'Installed OR NOT VersionNT64'and 'Installed OR VISTASKU<>"Starter"'

Also, if you are using Visual Studio 2010 and do not have any installation of Visual Studio 2008 then you will want to also delete the following:
-'Installed OR        (VS2008SPLEVEL AND VS2008SPLEVEL >= "#0") OR        (VCSEXP2008SPLEVEL AND VCSEXP2008SPLEVEL >= "#0")'
Save the file and close orca

4) In a command prompt extract the msi file either using 'msiexec /a SurfaceSDKWE.msi /qb TARGETDIR=C:\Temp\SurfaceSDKWEExtract'

5) Open the msi in the extract directory using orca and remove the launch conditions again

5.5 - optional) If for whatever reason you are not using the visual studio command prompy set your machine's PATH environment variable to include the windows sdk bin directory, or alternatively prefix the corflags commands below with the full path

6) Run an administrator level command prompt and navigate to the directory you extracted the msi to, then in to \Microsoft Surface\v1.0\ and run
 'corflags setupcustomaction.exe /32bit+ /force'

7) Run the installer you have just modified

8) Using the command prompt navigate through the install directory and its children and run the corflags command against each of the executables

You should now be able to run the demos etc, but if you want to build and run the code samples yourself you will need to ensure that the project settings are targetting x86 CPUs explicitly


Tuesday 18 January 2011

It takes all sorts

Just to show that there are all sorts in the industry I just thought I'd share one link I came across the other day (and no, I was not searching for it) -

It really does take all sorts